That damn Diesel Generator!
The diesel generator is again causing issues with overheating as we departed Hope Island. We are relying on the generator to power our water maker which cost over $7k and it seems pointless spending all that cash on a water maker we can’t use, so fixing the generator is really quite important to our long distance cruising. Having a water maker onboard is one of the new capabilities to long distance sailors. In the past I have had to chase fresh water everywhere I went and my courses were often shaped by the availability of fresh water. Having a water maker releases us from that constant chase…however, for us, no generator means no water maker!

I had hoped to put into Cooktown and engage a diesel mechanic there to try to find the cause of the overheating, but I found the anchorage and entrance just too challenging for my liking and I decided to make for Lizard Island. I contacted the resort there and the staff were amazingly helpful. Often resorts have no time to support passing yachts, or even welcome them, but Lizard Island was clearly different.
8,000 Nautical Miles
We bypassed Cape Bedford as we had a beautiful 20kt SE trade wind pushing us north rapidly towards the destination of Lizard Island where we officially clock over 8,000nm in Starlight since we bought her 3 years previously.