Local fishermen at North Hading Bay.
We totally nailed the anchorage at North Hading Bay after arriving in the in the pitch dark and in the morning were treated with one of the most beautiful anchorages I have stayed at anywhere. With Starlight literally a stones throw from the perfect white sandy beach and surrounded by crystal clear water and coral reef, we jumped in the dinghy and headed ashore for a well earned break.
After our experience at Wetar Island, we we inadvertently swam in crocodile infested waters, we checked with a couple of local fishermen on the beach and they told us the area was free from crocs. So a swim was definitely on the cards for the afternoon! The fishermen were semi living at the island and were making a new canoe much in the style I had seen in PNG and they were drying the fish and octopus they had caught in the sun.

In the afternoon, after a tropical downpour that beautifully cooled our little world down, we went for a swim in the crystal clear waters.
Late afternoon, we went ashore and delivered a diving mask to our new friend ‘Abdul’ and a long, no longer used line to his mate. Both very handy possessions for a couple of poor fishermen.
Leaving North Hading Bay
Next day saw us sail the pick out in light conditions only to have the wind drop away and leave us becalmed. Then, after starting the donk and getting moving, the wind slowly filled back in and we ended up with a glorious sail.