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Kho Kraden and squalls

We left Kho Kraden and almost immediately had squally, rainy, windy weather but we did get to run comfortably before 25kts and make 7-8 knots.

Kho Buleh

We cracked along for a few hours before passing Kho Buleh which I had picked as our first potential anchorage but it was pretty rough in the anchorage and not sheltered at all…I also found an uncharted reef/rock which luckily had breaking water over it.

Kho Turatao

We continues south towards Kho Turatao looking for any anchorage that would work. With swell from the west and strong wind from the NE, pretty much every anchorage was going to be shot in that area.

I eventually stopped on the north east coast of Kho Turatao, but that anchorage became unsuitable after a couple of hours and we needed to move yet again eventually finding peace in an anchorage at the southern end of Kho Turatao, overlooking Langkawi and Malaysia.

Telaga Harbour – Langkawi

Waking to better weather the next day after a fairly comfortable night all things considered, we motored all the way to Telaga Harbor in Langkawi where we had arranged to do a clear in to Malaysia. Telaga Harbor is good quality and well maintained. Provides excellent protection and is not too expensive.

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