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Departing PD World at Port Dickson

We depart Port Dickson in calm conditions and motor for the first couple of hours. Eventually, we get a very light breeze and I turned off the engine and we managed to ghost along and sometimes sail at 4-5 kts to have a very pleasant days sail to Pulau Besar.

Pulau Besar thunderstorm

We top up the water tanks with the water maker and as the evening sets in a huge thunderstorm system bears down on us, luckily just clipping us as it passes by but leaving us on a lee shore in winds at 25kts+

I was ready to move at any point should the boat have started to drag, but I suspected that the storm would pass fairly quickly and we’d be OK. It stayed longer than I had hoped, but ultimately Starlight held her ground and after 2 hours or so of stressing, I finally got to go to bed for a well earned 4 hours sleep!

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