Departing Kentar Island
We departed Kentar Island, which I thought would guarantee us a calm night but turned out to be very rolly and I was happy to get underway early in the morning.

Our original plan had been to sail to the southern end of Lingeh Island and creep into the anchorage there, but as the forecast ESE wind had arrived a bit early and we were able to lay a course direct for Belitung, we decided to continue through the night arriving off Belitung in the early hours of the morning, but also in the dark. As the shoreline of Bangkar is poorly charted, I decided to continue on another 125nm direct to Belitung which took another 24 hrs.
We arrived at Belitung around 01:00am and followed our previous track to the anchorage just outside the main eastern anchorage and went to sleep. In the morning, we found the rest of the yachts anchored in the western anchorage and I decided to join them.