Sailing in light air from Belitung
Belitung is one of those anchorages that it is hard to leave. It’s truly beautiful, and we found fantastic support and cheap dining there. Add to that, clear waters, clean beaches and a sheltered anchorage and it takes some effort to haul up the pick and keep moving.
We sailed the pick out in light air and moved east and finally the wind filled in and we were back to ‘working’ as we beat our way to windward east along the north coast of Belitung. Our anchorage for the night turned out as planned on the NE coast of Belitung (See the image below for the anchorage we used). Although a slight swell came into the area, the tide run left us either sitting stern to or bow to during the night and we had a beautiful nights sleep.
Next day say us motoring and motor sailing into contrary winds right on the nose that seemed to follow us every time we turned and due to the narrow passages we could follow, we couldn’t just easily tack back and forth…I was too lazy to do that ! Eventually, later in the afternoon, we got a suitable cracking breeze and took of at 8kts on a broad reach bringing us into our anchorage just in time for a sunset BBQ at Pulau Rotan and positioned ready for the long 200+nm passage the next day